Tuesday, April 30, 2019

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Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen

Download Ebook Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen

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Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen

Book Description

As far as career opportunities go, network marketing is hard to beat. It costs almost nothing to start, allows for flexible hours, and paves the way for financial independence. Network marketing -- also known as direct selling and multi-level marketing -- has turned millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need the right tools. Be a Network Marketing Superstar provides a proven 26-step program designed to help readers quickly become stars in this fast-growing and profitable industry. This powerful training manual shows readers how to: * master the six core skills of successful network marketing * sharpen their salesmanship * become more persuasive * build relationships * overcome roadblocks * radiate positive energy * find and attract quality people * be powerful coaches and mentors. With equal parts advice and inspiration, as well as helpful worksheets and exercises, this indispensable guide gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to join the ranks of the top moneymakers.

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From the Back Cover

If you want to achieve supreme success in network marketing, you need to use the techniques used by network marketing megastars. This invaluable guide contains a powerful, 26-step program that will help you: • master the six core skills of successful network marketing • sharpen your salesmanship • become more persuasive • build relationships • overcome roadblocks • radiate positive energy • find and attract quality people • be a powerful coach and mentor. Packed with helpful worksheets and exercises, this inspiring resource gives you the tools and confidence you need to become a superstar moneymaker. Advance Praise for Be a Network MarketIng Superstar “I love this book! Everyone considering a part- or full-time career in network marketing should read it. It offers a road map to success that is very practical, simple, and duplicable. From beginning to end, Mary offers valuable insights from her unmatched experience in network marketing that will get results. It will be a favorite with new distributors, seasoned network marketing leaders, and corporate staff.”— Craig Dalley, Executive Director, US Sales, Nature’s Sunshine Products “This book takes the mystery out of how to succeed in network marketing regardless of the product or service being sold and regardless of whether the primary selling and recruiting tactic is party plan or person-to-person. This book is not about hype, but is full of substantive advice, including interactive exercises to help one create an ‘action plan for success’ as they read the book. It will enhance the work and lives of network marketers everywhere. This book is also an easy read because Mary has a unique ability to share valuable experiences and guidelines in such a very concise way.”— John Fleming, Publisher and Editor in Chief, Direct Selling News Mary Christensen has more than 25 years of experience in network marketing, having recruited more than 1,000 people in her first year, and later holding executive roles in two multinational network marketing corporations where she helped thousands to succeed. Wayne Christensen, previously an award-winning creative director, now writes full-time.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; First edition (May 23, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0814474314

ISBN-13: 978-0814474310

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

84 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#85,344 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Mary Christensen is amazing!!! She is a wonderful writer- she is very witty, and it feels like you are getting your own coaching session with a friend while reading the book. She will teach you so many techniques which will help you grow your business. By purchasing this book, you are making an investment in your business, and more importantly in yourself. If you are debating buying the book..... JUST BUY IT!!! You will quickly see a return of your investment through increased sales and growth of your business.

When you read a lot of books on MLM or Network Marketing, you get a discerning ear for what is just "fluff" and what actually has value. Mary's writing is succinct and to-the-point. It has been reduced and boiled down into a pure elixir of knowledge and I wanted to lick my plate. Nothing but protein here, tips I can implement and a wealth of knowledge that she passed on as a flaming torch which will light up my organization! Thanks Mary!

I've been with a direct selling company that I LOVE for four months now. I heard about Mary Christensen from our company when they announced she would be our guest speaker at our annual convention. Getting a sneak peak of what Mary was all about on one of our company calls, I was immediately drawn to purchase her Be a Network Marketing Superstar book. I'm still mid-read, but all of her tips are perfect ~ a lot of which are in line with the Law of Attraction ~ and the practical exercises at the end of each chapter are great to get you going and motivated to be successful!I would recommend this book to those just starting out, those who have self-doubts, and those who just need that inspiration to keep going.Mary was an absolutely JOY to listen and learn from at our convention, and I am absolutely pre-ordering her Party Planner book!

In "Be A Network Marketing Superstar," Mary Christensen (with Wayne Christensen) offers an excellent overview of the qualities and mindset necessary to succeed in network marketing. With real-life examples and highlights of her personal challenges and accomplishments, Christensen provides key insights and outlines specific helpful steps to take. She gives a good snapshot of the industry (including a brief historical review), which I think is particularly valuable given that so many are seeking an alternative to traditional "jobs" - in today's broken economy. Since this industry is growing so rapidly, a basic primer from a seasoned professional is essential. This books fills the bill. There are practical exercises and some real gems. In the very beginning she states what she calls the three basic principles of network marketing: "1. There are no shortcuts 2. There are no excuses 3. There are no trophies for trying." She, quite rightly I believe, gives the real key to success: "Although knowledge is a powerful asset, knowledge translated into action is the winning formula." And with real understanding she is both encouraging and direct: "It takes courage to change your life. Confidence will come when you start to see results. Courage first, then confidence." As an Internet marketing mentor and coach, I find this small volume to be an excellent introductory overview; and highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of getting in to this dynamic and rewarding industry, or who has perhaps been in it for a while and wants a great refresher.

Great motivational and inspirational book for anyone in, or looking to get started in, network marketing/party plan businesses. Lots of useful tips and information that can be applied to your business and beyond. Would recommend if you are highly motivated to succeed in a network marketing company and need a little extra guidance.

Its a great book for finding out why you want to be a network marketer, what's holding you back and getting you motivated to do the work.

The tips are practical but helpful. The questions and reflection are more than helpful in working and improving my business!

I love network marketing and I have always looked for a book that makes the concept plain and simple and I finally found it. I've been in traditional sales for many years and presently have my own network marketing business.This book really helped me define in detail my motivation or my why. Whether we realize it or not, the 'why' is what drives us to do everything. But since we seldom think about our decisions in that way, when you make a decision to earn income in a non-traditional way, it helps to drill down on your motivation to keep that in front of you when things get tough.I love that the book is set up with short and very easy exercises at the end of each chapter. These exercises drill home the point just covered and help you to define the concept in your own business. As I have completed the exercises, I have uncovered some important skills I want to update and that will surely help my business.This is a must-read for beginners however veteran network marketers or sales people can certainly be refreshed on the simple tactics, methods, and concepts. I like that you can read and act as you go. No need to stop productivity just to read this book. Read and work. Read and work.I think readers will also enjoy Mary's upbeat and positive tone throughout the book. IMO the book is a must read for everyone in sales and especially network marketing. The book has really set me back on track and I'm sure it will do the same for you.

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen PDF
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen EPub
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen Doc
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen iBooks
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen rtf
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen Mobipocket
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen Kindle

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen PDF

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen PDF

Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen PDF
Be a Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Mary Christensen PDF

Monday, April 22, 2019

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Product details

File Size: 1959 KB

Print Length: 185 pages

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Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: Spanish


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#21,734 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Una historia conmovedora,romántica,divertida,que te muestra lo que pasan tantas personas callada mente sinque otros sepan la enfermedad que está padeciendo, recomiendo está novela está bien bonita en lo personal me gustó bastante.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 3/2/19😘

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Posted by Kay Morin in No comments


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Product details

File Size: 1308 KB

Print Length: 340 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: November 1, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#67,287 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This cookbook is not a professional publication. There is no index, the table of contents is grouped randomly, the ingredients are not listed in order, and the directions lack precision. Also there are no photos are the paper quality is like newsprint.

There is no recipe index and the table of contents organization is mixed up at best. English is not its native language and there are some startling errors. Page 29 "Unplug when the machine is cooking." Do not buy this book!

First, let me say I have not tried any of the recipes in this book, so I cannot say whether they are good or bad. I haven't tried them because this book is filled with bad grammar, typos, incomplete instructions and instructions that make no sense. Possibly English is not the first language of the author. If so, a copy editor was badly needed. Secondly, I initially thought the lack any pictures was an effort to keep it simple. Wrong. This was just another reason why the book is slapdash, throw-a-book-together as fast as you can. Third, the table of contents is useless - really messed up. For example — Breakfast items (oatmeal) in "Desserts"; Kielbasa, Potato, Sauerkraut in "Breakfast". Fourth - The heading for each recipe is barely readable - in a light gray font. And lastly, at least it's cheap — all this for less than $10.00!

I gave this 2 Stars based on what others wrote about the recipes. First, the titles are so faint you can hardly see them. Second, there are ZERO pictures of the recipes! I like to know what my recipes are suppose to look like. Third, it is not very professional. Looks like something you would do on home computer. Large print is a plus. Appears to have good information, which is a big plus. Not worth the price to send it back.

The way this book is put together is quite interesting. For instance, page 260 is listed as "Ground Beef Enchilada Pasta." When you turn to 260 it even says that in the header. But when you look through the recipe you see that it's actually for some kind of chicken slider. Under "Breakfast" in the Table of Contents, you'll find many other items like Lentil Bolognese, Mac and Cheese, Cheesy Chili Mac, Frittata, quiche, and even goulash. Maybe people have those items for breakfast and I just wasn't aware? Strange book and hard to rate but the recipes are still there so I gave it a 3. If nothing else, for the entertainment it provides. Maybe I should have given it a 4.

Use this book constantly & love it. The recipes & tips are great. I just finished making the Quick Chicken Tikka Masala (mmmm good) & was looking for something else to try. So far, every recipe made has been outstanding.

This is the first book with so many recipes adapted to cooking in an instant pot in my book collection. All recipes have a detailed description and are quick to prepare. The range of dishes is very diverse and will satisfy every taste. Eating with this cookbook is tasty easy and healthy.

his is the most popular recipes guide forever. Make recipes easy and tasty also from this guide instant pot cookbook. Home made recipes really excellent. I like also this book guideline. Good content with good directions. I think that's the great guide instant pot recipes cookbook for everyone. All the recipes contained in this book are fresh, foolproof and easy that anyone can cook without breaking a sweat. Overall so helpful cookbook.




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