Get Free Ebook Medieval Tapestries Coloring Book (Dover Fashion Coloring Book), by Marty Noble
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Medieval Tapestries Coloring Book (Dover Fashion Coloring Book), by Marty Noble
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Product details
Age Range: 11 - 14 years
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Series: Dover Fashion Coloring Book
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Dover Publications; Clr Csm edition (September 10, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0486436861
ISBN-13: 978-0486436869
Product Dimensions:
8 x 0.2 x 10.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
98 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#81,804 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Marty Noble never disappoints me. Well drawn and it looks like it's going to be another fun one! I was pleasantly surprised at this book.
Very nice. Good quality paper. Good variety of tapestries. Very fun to color. This is my first foray into adult coloring; I don't do any kind of visual art. I purchased this book along with 24 Prismacolor pencils. Brewed some tea, put on some classical music (Haydn) and am having a great time. Very relaxing. Have finished two very detailed pages and they look great. I'm eager to start on the next image. I recommend this book.
Terrible coloring book. I love medieval tapestries, hence my purchase of this book.But as a coloring book, it is terribly done. The artwork looks as if a tapestry were simply photocopied, the colors removed, and then presented as is in the book, without being altered in any way for coloring. This is a bit difficult to describe. There are tiny little details that are too small to color, odd run-on sections that can't really be colored, and a host of other problems. Sad, sad that the publishers did this to tapestries :-(
This is a fantastic coloring book, I LOVE these kinds of pictures with all the detail, dont really like the ones that are "cutesy" with flowers and fish and so on. So I love the intricate design and the complexity of the pictures.HOWEVER, I do have a big complaint and that is these amazing pictures and are printed on what I would call "ordinary" paper, and printed on both sides. I use Gel Pens mainly for this intricate work and gel pens go through the page so the picture on the other side becomes unusable. That is a HUGE disappointment.I have the Outlander and Game of Thrones coloring books and those are printed on a heavier stock paper and only printed on the one side. Makes a huge difference. So while I love the pictures I am not really happy with the paper quality...
This is another coloring book that is very detailed and good for adults. There is a lot of detail and story telling to go along with each picture. I like that the covers feature two fully colored images from within the book so as to show the colors that would have been typically used during medieval times in tapestries. The paper is very nice, the printing is well done. I used a mix of marker and colored pencils and this seemed to work well. The titles of each tapestry and dates are included with the pictures so that you could possibly google more information if so inclined to do so. I would recommend this to my adult friends who like to color.
Again another Dover coloring book that knocks it out of the park. Bought several of the companies products so that when the kids ask me to sit and color with them I am not coloring in Dora but something more adult oriented. Turns out the kids love the books as much as I do, especially since most of the books also contain a short paragraph about the picture, sometimes a history lesson depending on the book.
Omg, this one is incredibly much so it could probably take several months (or years depending on how often you color) to do every design in it. Some of the tapestries are so intricately detailed I have to keep my pencils sharpened to a fine point just to stay inside the lines.Normally I don't like already inked in parts (fashions are a no no), but in this case, I'm actually grateful that a few of the design backgrounds are blackened in.All in all an excellent adult style coloring book that will keep you occupied for many, many, MANY hrs. It's a great value considering how much time and effort it takes to do each design.With informative dates and descriptions printed below each depiction, it's educational as well as fun.Get your pencil sharpener ready (you'll need it!) and enjoy!
This is definitely not your child's coloring book (or the coloring book you had as a child). From "Death on his Pale Horse" to "The Griffin Protects His Lady" there's something here for everyone, except maybe young children. It's a very detailed book. In fact if you have problems with your vision or hands -- you may want to pass. I have occasional hand troubles and will be skipping coloring in it on those days. It's also probably far too detailed for young children. Not to mention that death, unicorns in captivity, and Trojan war scenes may be a bit much for them (not that there's violence portrayed, there's not).You'll want to break out colored pencils or very fine tipped markers for most of these. There are some rare areas that are wide open, but for the most part these are highly detailed pieces that will test your coloring skills.An intro note in the book gives a brief history of tapestries and each page gives us the name / country of origin / year of the tapestry on the page we're coloring.A must for older kids who are too old for traditional coloring books and adults who love to color.
The pictures are gorgeous and intricate but you either have to use color pencils or make copies of the pages you want to color because you will get bleed through on the picture on the backside of the page using markers or pens. The pages are also thin and not preferated, so copying on inkjet is a bit complicated because you can't just pull the page out, and you also have to be very careful coloring copies with markers or the ink will run. I still think this is a beautiful book!
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